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Review the Feature Videos below to get a feel for what Variation Stepper is all about.
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We would love to hear your feedback on how you've been using Variation Stepper.
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Variation Stepper Feature Videos
VARIATION STEPPER - FUNCTIONALITY Setting up Variation Stepper Variation triggers and how to map them to your controller Sequencing triggers via the internal sequencer Pattern storage for easy recall and seqeuncing presets Variation Generation to populate variations Randomising steps, values and variations Trigger randomised macros and sequence using the random macro step sequencer |
VARIATION STEPPER - DRUMS Global Variations Random step ranges Pattern sequenced drums Self generative jamming |
VARIATION STEPPER - MELODIES Control multiple parameters with ease Randomise macros with one button mapped to your controller Layer toplines and harmony and get them to 'play' with each other |
VARIATION STEPPER - RANDOMISATION Randomise up to 16 macros Stepped programming using mutiple or stacked variation steppers |
VARIATION STEPPER - VARIATION GENERATION Generate up to 16 random variations with one click Choose resolutions or sequence parameters to suit your style of production |
VARIATION STEPPER - CONTROL VJ DEVICES Using Variation Stepper to control parameters of a VJ device - Here we used rokvid to apply a range of steps to manipulate images. |